Saturday, March 14, 2015

New neck

I think the title is rather appropriate since looking at the photos I took, I need a new neck!  Oh well, aging does present some things that probably shouldn't be photographed.  Re-doing that neck band was a pain in the patootie - I managed to stretch the neck with all the ripping and pressing but the neck band is on!  Not perfect but neither am I!  The shirt was made by measuring and tracing an existing RTW and cutting a pattern as best I could (first try at self drafting)  It sort of turned out ok, except for the wonky neck and has been worn and washed many times.  I'm not totally happy with my pattern - have been looking at some of Maria Denmark's knit shirt patterns and I think I will try one of those for the next one.  Here is the mostly corrected neck and it is an improvement.

On to more sorting, decluttering and sort of cleaning that sewing space.
Later . . . 

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